Bootstrapping a business can be tough, and there are many different ways to approach it.

Here’s a list of tools I’ve used while building Log My Hours and other websites.

Log My Hours – time tracking, invoices, expenses, great for teams and freelancers

RescueTime – track how much time you are spending on websites, or with tools.

ClubHouse – product management tool.  Similar to Trello but so much better.

Freedcamp – simple product management, todo list. – AI created music to help keep you productive. Works great with headphones and when you really want to focus.

Zoho – e-mail tool

SaaS/Website Tools

Mach Metrics –  continually monitors the speed of your website

Saber Feedback – collecting feedback from users

Keen – event tracking

Tidio – chat widget for your website

Placeit – create mockup images on multiple devices.

Screely – Turn screenshots into mockups with a browser window outline.

ProfitWell – monitor monthly recurring revenue (MRR) and Churn

Stripe – payment processor, great API, easy to use.

Dev Tools

PhpStorm – hands down the best IDE if you are working with PHP. Works great with Symfony and Laravel

Ionic – build cross-platform apps (and PWAs) with 1 code base. Primally with Angular but now also supporting React and VueJS

Visual Studio Code – great for working with Ionic (any many others, but I’ve only used it for Ionic)

Amazon Web Services – web hosting

Bitbucket / Github – Git Repo

Social Media

Canva – create images formatted for various social media platforms

Unsplash – large collection of royalty free images

Content Creation

Blog Planner – a simple writing tool I created on the side to help plan out my blog articles.

Grammarly – tool to improve your writing. Inline grammar checking.

Readable –  improve the readability of your content


Startups for the Rest of Us – one of my favorites.

The Art of Product – didn’t enjoy this one at first, but they have improved a lot recently.

Build Your SaaS 2019

I believe that’s all my favorites. Hopefully, there’s a few on here that you haven’t heard of. Did I miss any of your favorite bootstrapping tools? Let me know in the comments below.